UCLA Gayley Center Roof ReplacementLocation
Los Angeles, CAContractor
Bligh PacificSystem
80 mil TritoFlex 2K rubber membrane
30 mil TritoCryl 2K topcoatProject Size
32,000 square feetCompletion
January 2021
UCLA needed a cost-effective, yet high-quality, option for a roof replacement on the Gayley Center. The existing Built-Up Roof was deteriorated badly and not a candidate to be restored. However, replacement bids for a new single-ply system were very expensive due to having a concrete deck.
Rather than tear-off and replace with a conventional rolled roofing system that would require adhesives and glue, UCLA’s team elected to use Triton’s liquid-applied, seamless thermoset rubber roofing membrane directly over the existing concrete deck. The insulation below the roof deck provides adequate R-value for the building, so installing expensive new insulation on top of the deck was not warranted. As the existing BUR membrane was removed, the contractor was able to immediately clean and temporarily waterproof the concrete deck utilizing TritoFlex 1K S. This meant the building was never exposed to the elements and there were no concerns with overnight precipitation.
After the existing roof was fully removed and the concrete deck sealed with an initial base coat of TritoFlex 1K S, the roofing contractor installed the TritoFlex 2K membrane at 80 dry mils to the entire surface in a single coat. This created a thick, durable, flexible, and seamless waterproofing membrane without the need for adhesives, glues, caulks, sealants, and termination points. The TritoFlex 2K membrane was then coated with a 30 dry mil layer of white TritoCryl 2K acrylic topcoat to provide reflectivity and a roof that UCLA can renew for decades. The University received a 20-Year Renewable NDL Material and Labor Warranty with their new seamless, watertight liquid-applied Triton roof system.