Aims Community College Welding Building RoofLocation
Greeley, ColoradoContractor
4 Elements RoofingSystem
60 mil TritoFlex 2K rubber membrane
20 mil TritoCryl 2K acrylic top coat17,800 square feet
September 2017

Ballasted EPDM roof systems typically involve a loose-laid EPDM rubber membrane with heavy rock ballast to hold it in place. These economical roof systems were used extensively for decades, but are often torn off at the end of their lifecycle. Triton has engineered a non-disruptive, economical alternative that allows for a full recover with a new seamless rubber membrane.
The ballasted EPDM roofs on the welding building at Aims Community College in northern Colorado had reached the end of their life and were in need of replacement. Extensive leaking became too time-consuming with the difficulty of leak finding on ballasted roofs. The College sought non-disruptive alternatives to a complete replacement. EPDM rubber is excellent, long-lasting material, the primary problem being the seams and flashings. When EPDM has been covered by ballast its entire life, it avoids normal UV deterioration and aging. This means the EPDM material itself is in great condition and still useful.
Rather than waste the useful EPDM membrane they already had, the College had a contractor remove the rock ballast and mechanically-attach the EPDM membrane as the ballast weight was removed, securing the loose-laid membrane. Each fastener and plate was immediately waterproofed and loose, open seams were fixed. After the ballast was remove, the EPDM membrane was pressure washed. A product with similar chemical make-up to EPDM, TritoFlex 2K synthetic rubber was spray-applied directly over the EPDM, immediately doubling it in thickness and eliminating all seams. This increased overall durability and longevity of the waterproofing membrane. The new TritoFlex 2K seamless membrane was then top coated with a white, reflective TritoCryl 1K layer to act as a sacrificial layer, allowing the roof to be renewed indefinitely.
Ballasted EPDM roofs on industrial and institutional facilities don’t always need to be removed entirely and this project was an excellent example of that.
Another example of how Triton has engineered stronger, safer, smarter alternatives to traditional roofing technologies.